So tomorrow will mark 36 weeks of this 40 weeks waiting game. Is it wrong of me to say that I cannot wait to get this over with? Don't get me wrong, the whole miracle of life growing inside me stuff is all great but the back aches, going to the bathroom every hour of the day or just even putting one drop of liquid in your system, swelling feet when standing too long, Braxton Hicks contraction, and over all feeling like a beached whale is just getting too old.
I wake everyday thinking, "hey little girl, how about cooperating and arriving next week." Or a late night bathroom run gets me hopeful that my water may just break. It's just not fun anymore to prop a pillow under my continually growing belly while watching TV or just laying in bed and let's not even mention the possible stretch marks cropping up on a weekly basis. Just at my last appointment, my OB was kind enough to mention and point out the new stretch marks. Like I really wanted to know. How about just telling me that I'm already dilating and the waiting game will soon be over. The minute I got home, I googled "mommy make-over" packages just to see how much the costs are so that I can start saving. Wait a minute, I no longer how can I save? Allowance? What's that? I seriously need to renegotiate the contract on this stay at home mom gig.
So here I am facing 36 weeks and all I can think of is: "Are we there yet?"
Hang in there!